Dreams Mapping Josiah’s Life

A Golden Light Lands on the Earth

Just after I found out that Steph was pregnant, I dreamt that a giant ball of light a meter wide flew in from the window and planted itself into her womb.

Long Walk on a Short Pier

About 3 months before the birth I dreamt that and I were walking a plank into beautiful shoulder-deep ocean water. She jumped in unexpectedly and I watched her swim to shore. I was afraid and had to work through that fear. In follow ups to this dream I became a bird and flew over her shoulder as she swam to shore. I wasn’t able to go with her into labor, and of course our experiences would be different.

The Space Navy

In the weeks just before the birth, I had so many dreams about the baby. I dreamt that he was a grown man, an astronaut, and I was also one. He was outside of the spaceship hooked to a life line (umbilical chord), I was holding the line and guiding him around the ship. Then someone radioed him and said he had to return to earth immediately as he was fired from the space navy. I consoled him that he did nothing wrong but now had a new mission to fulfill.

This dream reveals much to me about Josiah’s “life before life.”  As I came out of the dream the message from my higher self was, “His destiny would be revealed through the disciplined path of Martial Arts.”

Turtle Totem

Just before the birth I dreamt that three turtles were stacked on top of each other, shaped almost squarelike and ascending like a pagoda in the rocks. They were hidden camoflauged until one moved and then the three slipped apart, descending into a shallow marsh. The baby turtle swam for the protective reeds, on its own as a brand new being in the world.

On the way home from the birth, a real life turtle was crossing our driveway.  With Josiah coming home for the first time, we had to stop and wait for a turtle to cross in front of the car.  It was a clear sign on multiple levels

Josiah, Just Josiah

We were quite perplexed about what to name the baby until a couple of days after the birth when we finally decided. A few days before the birth, a young man’s face came to me so clearly in dreamtime, peaceful, radiant, wise, “Josiah. Just call me Josiah.” The feeling behind this message was something like, “It’s simply Josiah, there’s no need to even think about it. It’s simple. It’s just Josiah.”


A week after the birth, I had this weird nightmarish type dream about IVs. The dream started out in a courtroom and this attractive female lawyer was shouting at the judge, “There is no law that says a woman in labor must have an IV in court.” Then Stephanie pulls out this crazy IV from her body herself and someone says, “She’s hyperventilating.” Then Stephanie pulls a similar IV out of the baby and he sits up himself from a supine position, except that I see the silhouette of his head through an opaque screen.  After this last dream it became apparent that we needed help with breastfeeding. One of the remedies that we recently ended up trying was this mechanism called an SNS, which allows the baby to get supplemental formula while still stimulating the mammary glands to make milk. The apparatus looks and acts like an IV that is delivered orally.

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