Category Archives: Journey of the Ascended Prayer

20. The Brightness of Tomorrow

  1. Doomsayers are digging their own graves one shovelful of destructive thinking at a time. Heed not & fear not.

  2. Make a wish!!! Let the dream be born that is double-barreled: transcending space, time, thought & emotion.

  3. If lacking in willpower to take steps towards the brightness of that unattainable dream, gird up in prayer not self-flagellation.

  4. For willpower & prayer, like oxygen & combustion, cannot exist in any degree of strength without the other.

  5. The tradition of breaking the “wishbone” apart is a crude symbol of destroying the foundation of one’s dreams.

  6. Thus, a true wish is always double chambered like the inner workings of the beating heart. 1 and 2 meet transcending into form.

  7. Wholeness & brightness surpasses all tests, hears the call of others’ prayer, applying the lessons to what is at hand.

Falling Up

When is it time to descend?  Knowing when it is time to descend, from where do we come?  From where do we descend?

A heavenly being within truly exists.

A living soul who lives in heaven truly exists.

The honor of fatherhood is delight and amazement.  My sons, who moved through a birth canal into the physical world from the womb, continue to grow each day.  For all the glory of an infant, we are not done being born at the moment of arrival.  We must always be willing to be born anew and to descend.

It is said that human beings have the ability to live on all planes of existence.  What does that really mean?  What does it really mean that human beings can live on all planes of existence?  Not only do they live there but they live on all planes of existence simultaneously.

In every dimension between here and God, I am.

In every dimension between here and God, I am.

In this plane of existence where we find ourselves at this moment, something of wholeness can arrive when we descend.  When feet are placed upon the earth, it does not necessarily mean we are going down.

If we were ascending into heaven, at some point the gravity of heaven would become greater than the gravity of earth, and our feet would touch the ground in heaven and we would be centered in heaven.  But would we be descending or ascending?

In any case, what we experience is a feeling of falling, a feeling of joyously allowing the gravity of what is real to take hold, become present and fully integrated in this moment.

Between all the places and all the dimensions between here and God, I am.  Let us be fully integrated.  Let us descend in all of our identities into this place.  Heaven on earth can only be achieved when that truly existent, wonderful one within, who lives in heaven can be here now and bring heaven wherever he goes.

A joyous child brings heaven wherever he goes, yet he is not done growing into fullness.  Perfect just as he is, he reminds us of the wonderful one within ourselves.

In all of the dimensions between here and God, I am.

In all of the dimensions between here and God, I am.

In all of the dimensions between here and God, I am.

16. Timelessness

  1. It is never too late to begin anew cultivating that unattainable dream. Envision the gains from even a tiny change.

  2. Fear of death prevents probing the precipice of the future; lifting the rock of guilt & shame uncovers true origins.

  3. Within 2 weeks of conception, one’s origins & purpose are clear. At 3 months in-utero the energies & a name are granted to meet it.

  4. Our timeless purpose for being cannot be escaped & manifests continuously in the results of every deed & interaction.

  5. Operating just beyond our limits, how joyous & restful is failure, growing physical, mental, or emotional muscles.

  6. The ascended prayer always provides the key to unlock every new layer of greatness & depth emerging from within.

“Welcome to Raindrop Airlines”

In the period between August 15th and October 19th, the song of the heart expressed primarily through the voice- words spoken and sung, laughed and explored all the vocal ranges on intonation to truly hear and wonder at what was emerging so naturally and joyfully from within. The result was the song of the awakened heart. The primary goal of the awakened heart was to live in true identity as a soul, a child of God with all its glory and power.

Then the period from then to now, this joyful energy and presence fully integrated in the crown opening an experience of mindfulness and integrated consciousness that expressed primarily through writing. This writing was collected as daily inspirations and inner journeys to ever more resounding heights and depths entitled the Tao of the Arisen Son. The primary goal of the arisen son was to access and build a foundation to integrate prayer as identity.

As of November 1st, what is emerging so naturally from within doesn’t fit the pattern of either of these cycles. The daily inspirations came from the ability to easily decipher the energy and story of dream time and waking dream time, then applying them in living. Yet what emerged yesterday was of a different caliber – not easily condensed into Tao-like aphorisms.

And, just as using the vocal word was still available during the period of writing, both the voice and the pen will be available now.

Yesterday’s dream started out in Paris in a time of fulfilling stories and experiences and it was now time to return. “Wait? Return?” I thought, “Where else can I go? London? Madrid? Amsterdam? Hawaii? Could it be possible to take a long trip to all of these places in a row?” After a brief consideration, “Perhaps I could, but I have to start somewhere! Hawaii it is!”

I found myself at an airport.  The escalator led up to the terminal, where peach colored walls reflected the morning sun shining through all-glass view of the runways.  After taking a moment to absorb the beauty of what was around, I then realized that I didn’t have a ticket in hand.  A quick glance at the other people revealed them placing a gold coin in turnstiles.  Holding open my left hand, a shiny gold coin appeared.  Placing it in the slot, the turnstile unlocked allowing me through and I crossed the bridge to board the plane.

Entering the plane, everything went black as formlessness.  I then found myself standing on a circular ledge  that served as precipice to a large swirling mass of spiraling downward energy.  The stable ledge part was a circular sidewalk about 50 feet in diameter.   The door I came in through was not only locked, it was gone, swallowed by the womb-like presence of the great void.  The only way out, was down in the center of the swirling abyss.  I know it is my destiny to jump and I feel safe watching the energy spiral down, so I GO!  OHHHHHHHHHH!

The feeling of falling stabilizes as a pressure not only going down, but darkness pressing up against me like wind as well.  Silently I scream with exhilarating joy.

After some time, my direct descent catches a swirling tube  spiraling downward and I’m dizzy as the centrifugal force presses me against the outer walls of this tube.  After a while I get really tired of the spinning feeling so I opted out of the tube for a direct free-fall again.  Exiting the tube I immediately became very fearful as the physical plane of existence came into view below:  “What was waiting for me down there?  Had I made a huge mistake taking my own way down instead of trusting the dizziness?”

My leap from the tube sent my feet up over my head behind me, and I noticed it was the ocean that was below me – which looked above with feet overhead.  My feet continued to arc right side up just in time to touch the water first:  “I hope this is not too shallow!!!!”  Was my last thought as the bubbles of entry followed me 10 feet underwater and I noticed that I had a total of 20 feet to land in safely.  Scrambling for the surface, the first thing I noticed was that I was only about 75 yards from shore which was nice.  The second thing I noticed was the chute.  A large grey chute from which all the other passengers started to fly into the water, albeit more gently than I did, was placed only about 10 yards from shore.  At least 2 other passengers flew laughing out of the chute while I swam to shore.

The hawaiian ocean water was crystal blue, and the sand white.  I emerged on the beach to a large grove of palm trees in front of a long and wide one story building painted white.  It seemed to me to be a cross between a hotel and an airport terminal.  Then I woke up.

I spent all day contemplating the dream and then shared it with friends.