4. The Wisdom of Silence and Stillness

The days of darkness are numbered & few remaining for this earth. The comforter prepares the way to enter the gate.

The lamb of God is the heart ascending. The lion of God is the first aspect of the incarnating Divine to truly descend.

They cross paths as though strangers, but both fall silent & still in the presence of the other because they are one.

Thus, the enlightened mind lays down with the awakened heart & they are both truly available for one’s prayer to descend.

The lion & the lamb forever seek each other, for it is their united prayer to live as one while opposing forces.

Their keys to the gate unlock seals unique to each treasure, thus they bravely pioneer the dark times together.

When disparate, the Awakening Child of God & the Arising Son of God are vulnerable. United they are one with the Divine Heart.

Thus, the awakened son must learn to be both silent and still – creating the dynamic womb that knows “I am God.”

Silence is acceptance of inner secrets inexpressible. Stillness, acceptance of inner power painful to the average man.

Acceptance of reality, all things & all people just as they are is the first step of discovering one’s true divine name.

Walk barefoot & lay shirtless on the grassy morning dew. Pray divine acceptance as God’s creatures nibble away.

Both the lion & the lamb are truly his children, for they are absolutely obedient to their Father & accepting their Mother.

The comforter secretly opens the gate while celebrating the efforts of every race, creed, nationality & religion.

The bright & holy world is born in 2013. Unite with the comforter to prepare the consciousness of humanity.

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