All posts by Oren

15. Providence

  1. Prayerful words such as “Please allow” ; “Let us” ; “Please grant us” all invoke the presence of divine providence.

  2. On Shabbat we pray and hunger “Grant us our portion of the Torah” on this day. After a time building up to climax the weekly portion is read.

  3. It is also possible our portion of Torah can be found within and granted with all our heart, soul & strength to our world.

  4. Thus, authentic joyful expression is food for the soul. Create outlets to lay it all out & notice how much less earthly food is craved.

  5. The living soul of expression, fearless assurance – and the strength to ask forgiveness all are divine providence.

  6. Entertain not triflings such as how one should breath, eat or sleep. Be breathed, be eaten, & be rested by allowing providence.

“Welcome to Raindrop Airlines”

In the period between August 15th and October 19th, the song of the heart expressed primarily through the voice- words spoken and sung, laughed and explored all the vocal ranges on intonation to truly hear and wonder at what was emerging so naturally and joyfully from within. The result was the song of the awakened heart. The primary goal of the awakened heart was to live in true identity as a soul, a child of God with all its glory and power.

Then the period from then to now, this joyful energy and presence fully integrated in the crown opening an experience of mindfulness and integrated consciousness that expressed primarily through writing. This writing was collected as daily inspirations and inner journeys to ever more resounding heights and depths entitled the Tao of the Arisen Son. The primary goal of the arisen son was to access and build a foundation to integrate prayer as identity.

As of November 1st, what is emerging so naturally from within doesn’t fit the pattern of either of these cycles. The daily inspirations came from the ability to easily decipher the energy and story of dream time and waking dream time, then applying them in living. Yet what emerged yesterday was of a different caliber – not easily condensed into Tao-like aphorisms.

And, just as using the vocal word was still available during the period of writing, both the voice and the pen will be available now.

Yesterday’s dream started out in Paris in a time of fulfilling stories and experiences and it was now time to return. “Wait? Return?” I thought, “Where else can I go? London? Madrid? Amsterdam? Hawaii? Could it be possible to take a long trip to all of these places in a row?” After a brief consideration, “Perhaps I could, but I have to start somewhere! Hawaii it is!”

I found myself at an airport.  The escalator led up to the terminal, where peach colored walls reflected the morning sun shining through all-glass view of the runways.  After taking a moment to absorb the beauty of what was around, I then realized that I didn’t have a ticket in hand.  A quick glance at the other people revealed them placing a gold coin in turnstiles.  Holding open my left hand, a shiny gold coin appeared.  Placing it in the slot, the turnstile unlocked allowing me through and I crossed the bridge to board the plane.

Entering the plane, everything went black as formlessness.  I then found myself standing on a circular ledge  that served as precipice to a large swirling mass of spiraling downward energy.  The stable ledge part was a circular sidewalk about 50 feet in diameter.   The door I came in through was not only locked, it was gone, swallowed by the womb-like presence of the great void.  The only way out, was down in the center of the swirling abyss.  I know it is my destiny to jump and I feel safe watching the energy spiral down, so I GO!  OHHHHHHHHHH!

The feeling of falling stabilizes as a pressure not only going down, but darkness pressing up against me like wind as well.  Silently I scream with exhilarating joy.

After some time, my direct descent catches a swirling tube  spiraling downward and I’m dizzy as the centrifugal force presses me against the outer walls of this tube.  After a while I get really tired of the spinning feeling so I opted out of the tube for a direct free-fall again.  Exiting the tube I immediately became very fearful as the physical plane of existence came into view below:  “What was waiting for me down there?  Had I made a huge mistake taking my own way down instead of trusting the dizziness?”

My leap from the tube sent my feet up over my head behind me, and I noticed it was the ocean that was below me – which looked above with feet overhead.  My feet continued to arc right side up just in time to touch the water first:  “I hope this is not too shallow!!!!”  Was my last thought as the bubbles of entry followed me 10 feet underwater and I noticed that I had a total of 20 feet to land in safely.  Scrambling for the surface, the first thing I noticed was that I was only about 75 yards from shore which was nice.  The second thing I noticed was the chute.  A large grey chute from which all the other passengers started to fly into the water, albeit more gently than I did, was placed only about 10 yards from shore.  At least 2 other passengers flew laughing out of the chute while I swam to shore.

The hawaiian ocean water was crystal blue, and the sand white.  I emerged on the beach to a large grove of palm trees in front of a long and wide one story building painted white.  It seemed to me to be a cross between a hotel and an airport terminal.  Then I woke up.

I spent all day contemplating the dream and then shared it with friends.

14. Openness

  1. Transformation results from the free-flowing joyful expression of life within. Withholding it builds into explosive turmoil.

  2. Gentle or abrupt, the space created by one’s generousity is the field of openness in which Love can begin its work.

  3. Thus letting go of the past & opening your heart are the earthly foundations for Love’s holy descent.

  4. The formlessness, peace & purity of Truth has no ideology, but simply makes the way straight for Love to find home.

13. Be Prepared

  1. We must be prepared at any moment not only to meet our maker, but also to represent Him.

  2. A bright low-lying flower never seeks for attention, but always rises to the occasion when called.

  3. Thus, the ascended prayer is always prepared to provide for its mission at a moment’s notice.

  4. Go now! Always be ready for the stage, the podium, the client, the children- to strengthen, heal or guide audibly or silently.

  5. The moment passes for one not prepared in advance, so carry all that is needed within reach to respond to any situation.

  6. Provide words filled with life, truth & love and deeds that deal decisively with what is at hand despite not seeming interested.

  7. May the highest divinity see all from our eyes, speak with our voices & work through our hands & feet.

12. Let Go of the Past

  1. Disturbing impulses of resentment, depression, addiction, or paralyzing fear are momentary evidence of living in the past.

  2. In resentment we become the voice of our past oppressors, perpetuating cycles of emotional violence.

  3. In depression we become the hand of our loved ones pushing us away, perpetuating the cycles of icy temperaments.

  4. In addiction we numb the grieving of past loss, perpetuating the cycles of failure.

  5. In resisting risk through paralyzing fear, we shelter the child from past wounds, perpetuating unpreparedness.

  6. Love begins when impulsiveness is met by one who is awake, on-guard & consciously choosing to let go of the past.

11. Desire

  1. Why judge needs vs wants? Like the charged core of an electric line, all desires when energized contain the prayer of the soul.

  2. The good life is any with inner vibrancy, deep relationships, creativity, nourishment & playful exertion.

  3. To make room for one’s prayer, all aspects of life must be accepted, adjusted or let go based upon the simplicity of inner resonance.

  4. Creation emerges first not into form but into a vacuum left behind by your generous gifts & release of dissonance.

  5. Thus a wish comes true based on 3 aspects of giving: testing for resonance within, generousity, & letting go.

10. Formlessness

  1. Whereas the mind delights in taking a back seat to the power of life, it cannot even tread water in the formless.

  2. Formlessness is the greatest peace for it has no conditions & presses in on all sides like the womb of a mother.

  3. Like the widest angle of a lens, touching the deep is fleeting at first as the mind instinctively zooms back in to form.

  4. As a boy can train to dive & hold his breath for greater stretches, the mind can turn inside out in openness to the deep.

  5. Just as a blank canvas is supreme in its pure potential, the greatest power is living, working & relating from a place of depth.

  6. The diamond heart is peacefully still, then wakes up breathing golden to the formless as unconditional joy.

9. Compassion

  1. Just as every rock is made of a unique proportion of minerals, so to is each person unique in their blend of virtues.

  2. It is possible to know a person from the inside out & be imbued with their soul longing, transforming you into their medicine.

  3. Crafting soul medicine is like matching sacred geometry; swallowing it feels like drinking a large cubed pill in willingness to grow.

  4. Know that people in your world are transformed by the seeking of your soul & seeming injustice & criticism is found.

  5. Have compassion for what arises from you in the presence of others & what arises from them in response to you.

  6. All is fair in love. Let there be a space of acceptance & loving wisdom in which the power of life can truly have its way.

  7. Craggy, thirsty rocks are made glossy & smooth over time in a tumbler. No smoothing agent is greater than togetherness.

  8. The work is powerfully deep: Heaven or hell is created by the choice between joyful acceptance & scathing complaint.

  9. Families electrically conduct great patterns of feeling. Acceptance heals yourself & overcomes resistance to love.

  10. Compassionate responsibility is the right blend of safety, guidance & independance.

Standing in Wonder (song)

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D, A, C, G  (Chorus)  D, Dbass, G, A (Verse)

It doesn’t matter if I’m not wise, I see the light shining from behind your eyes
This love is tingling warm, makes my heart glow, standing amazed and in wonder

Whales dive down the ocean deep, how far they go I cannot see, I don’t know, But I’d love to be one for a…Days gone by the earth was flat, sail the sea over the edge now its round, How I’d love to see it from the… Center of the galaxy, shaped just like you and me where’s the key, How I’d love to know who I am

It doesn’t matter if I’m not wise, I see the light shining from behind your eyes
This love is tingling warm, makes my heart glow, standing amazed and in wonder

Imagination inside my head, comes to life wake up from bed, I don’t know why it’s come true every… Time it’s said goes front to back, in days past what did they lack I don’t know, but I’d love to see it with my…Eyes of Gold and eyes of Blue, what makes them shine in me and you I don’t know, how I’d love to know who I am

It doesn’t matter if I’m not wise, I see the light shining from behind your eyes
This love is tingling warm, makes my heart glow, standing amazed and in wonder

Thoughts and Desires

“Lift your eyes and look up, to your power within.
Look up and see the richness of heaven.
What do you see?”

I come before the divine today with my prayer intact:  Having a mind imbued with the spirit of life is merely a milestone point along that journey.  The mind seems to be a crutch and a cruel master for many people in the world.  Living in the moment, living with love, means in part not reacting out of the conditioned mind.

Reactivity is evidence of dreaming, drama-based consciousness.  Drama is an energetic that is highly addictive.  Drama gets our heart rates pumping, it gets adrenaline gushing into our bloodstreams – these are very addictive substances.  It is very addictive to be in such a state for those who are not sufficiently saturated with the spirit of life.

The tree of life is centered in our spine and crown, and is our connection to all of creation. When one is sufficiently full of life, the forbidden fruit of such dramatic and reactive energies feels like death.  What we all need is life and to have it more abundantly.

As a man it used to be the two aspects of my being I was most ashamed of was the function of thought and the function of desire.  So afraid of my thoughts because I couldn’t control them and I was so ashamed of my desires and cravings.  Thus my words and my actions, which can only ride upon these two inner elements, were things that I regretted very often in my life.  My words and my actions, as a result, often became the source and the cause of drama, and the reactivity within other peoples’ drama.  If any of you have ever been a recipient of my sleeping state of consciousness, either in words or in writing, I apologize for my behavior.

Our ability to think consciously and to desire consciously are two fundamental rights that we have as divine beings.  These two functions only come into their right order when we are sufficiently full of the power of life.  The winds of life should be strong within our inner being.  These winds can be thought of as spiritual pressure.  It could be thought of as energy.  It could be thought of as love.  It could be thought of as enthusiasm – but in any case all of these words point to the same spirit of life within.  When we have life and we have it abundantly, it fills our thoughts; it fills our desires and elevates them into a state that they can fulfill their true function.

I’ll give an example:

There is a woman who I spoke to recently:  She expressed out loud the desire to “kill the voice of the victim.”  Voice is a metaphor for thought.  Her desire was to kill her thoughts that are victim-natured, in essence.  Yet our thoughts are an extension of ourselves, they are like our children.  How is our relationship with these inner children, our thoughts and our desires?  Do we want to kill them?  Do we allow them to cause havoc in the world and drag us around?  Do we repress them with firmness and judgment?  None of these!  We can energize them!

I asked permission of this woman to share my response to her desire and it was granted.  What I had to say to her was that the voice of the victim and the voice of soul – our true thought vs. our victim-natured thought are the same with only one difference!  That difference is the power of life that is inside of them.  Holy thinking is full of life, like a grape recently plucked from the vine.  It is firm and juicy, filled with the life essence of the plant and its desires to nourish humanity.  The thoughts that are victim-natured are simply lacking in life.  Compared to a grape it is like a raisin, withered, delicate and weak.

At this stage of my life, when I encounter negativity or negative thoughts, I simply energize it when it comes in to my inner sanctum.  It cannot penetrate and remain in the same state.  When any thought-forms penetrate into this being, they are energized and as such arise and ascend into true consciousness like a golden canvas within, waiting for the artistry of a master to paint whatever he likes.

The golden canvas of your true mind can only be accessed when the spirit of life is sufficiently operating within.  The awakened heart expresses through words filled with power of life, based on thoughts that are energized and golden.  When the mind is sufficiently activated by this life energy, the ability to express in writing really comes online.

When one handwrites a prayer or a longing of desire and hangs it in a place where people can see it, it becomes a living testament of that soul.  Like the prayer flags in the mountains of the Himalayas and in the temples of Nepal, our ability to express in writing accurately and powerfully is captured in our own handwriting, in our own calligraphies, in our own stroke of the brush – not necessarily by what is generated through a keyboard.

I had the recent experience of writing down a sincere prayer one morning, a sincere desire, and posting it in my office.  I left for the day forgetting about it then suddenly realizing in the evening that my prayer was coming true!  When I went back to my prayer, I realized that it was in a location that was directly in front of the work space that an assistant setup shop: my prayer, whether he agreed with it or not, was witnessed.

Do you ever wonder why the verb “to bear” is used in conjunction with “to witness?”  To bear witness has almost the same spiritual function as to bear a child.  To bear witness is to allow the birth of whatever it is that we see.  This man, although not necessarily connected with our ministry, and not necessarily in agreement with anything I had written was working in a place where I displayed my prayer.  Even if he glanced at it for a moment and it entered into his being, whether he agreed with it or not, he bore witness to my prayer in my own writing.  As he bore witness this prayer was sealed in light, began to elevate and call out to the universe and the energy of transformation that I sought was added unto me – just through the power of writing a prayer that was witnessed by another.

In this time of a new year approaching, it is natural for our desires to come fully online.  What is it that we really want in the new year?  I would encourage you, I would challenge you to write them down:  pen them, paint them, brush them, calligraphize them.  Whatever your greatest desires are for the coming year, let them resonate with every part of you and write them in detail as succinctly as possible then hang them up.  Like the prayer flags of the Himalayas, hang them up in a place that is conspicuous – perhaps in your home, maybe in your office – and let passerbys bear witness to your prayer.

Thus, our thoughts and our desires can fully resonate with the energy of who we are, be fully empowered by the spirit of life and be born witness, that they may be sealed in the book of life and come to pass.