All posts by Oren

Look Up (performed live at the Dome)

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Look Up (song)

G, D, Am, C, D

Lift your eyes and look up, look and open up, to your power within,
look up and see the richness of heaven,
What do you see, in the skies of blue with clouds and winds of love

Hot walking souls, stepping to and fro look up.
Whatever you got within, offer it up unto the one you know,
Then you can see, from a higher place upon the wings of love.

Lift your eyes and look up, look and open up, to your power within,
look up and see the richness of heaven,
What do you see, in the skies of blue with clouds and winds of love

Energy flows where attention goes, look up.
A living light within, moves into the ones who love and trust,
Then they can see, resonate unto the holy name of love

Lift your eyes and look up, look and open up, to your power within,
look up and see the richness of heaven,
What do you see, in the skies of blue with clouds and winds of love

(See below for mp3)

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The greatest religious advice I ever received as a child was:

Whatever you got, give it to God.

It doesn’t matter if it’s love, if its anger, if its sadness, if its even that you don’t believe in God.  Whatever you got, give it to God.

As I’m moving through my day, I’m contemplating faith.  What does it really mean to have faith in the divine?  What does it really mean to be healed by one’s faith?  What does it really mean when one’s faith is great?  Or whether it is small?

The way I’m thinking of faith in this moment is as a conduit of energy.

There are great bonds that unite friends and family.  There are great bonds that unite us to this earth – to all the creatures and all the forces of this earth.  And there are great bonds that unite us in spirit with the great divine.

Each of these bonds are conduits of energy.

A bond must be established between two people for love and friendship to exist, then we have faith, and trust in the goodwill of the other.  We believe and we magnify the greatness of each other by being together.

A bond must be established in order for any energy to move from the divine through a person into the world.

Bonds of trust and goodwill are institutionalized in our society:  Doctors are certified and licensed, professionals are certified so that a person of reasonable intellect may trust that what they have to offer is sound and they have faith in that person to perform a function in their lives and thus be open, yielded, vulnerable and welcoming of that one.

Along with our certifications comes our reputation.  Our name precedes us in the world.  A person can have faith in even just the name of someone, and receive a quote or an idea for instance, simply because of the name of the person who spoke it.

Faith is a conduit of energy, and where a bond is created, energy can move.

In order to truly find my place in this world, I must have a bond of energy to the Divine-


Look up, to the Divine!

And be fully yielded to the power that exists within,

Look up!  Look up!

Lift your eyes up to Heaven,

Create a bond with that which is greater than us,

Direct our attention upward,

Look up!


What is in the Heaven for you?

Look up!

In the light of the Sun,

In the blue of the sky,

In the billowing of clouds,

In the movement of air,

Look up!

Be resonant with that which is high, in you.

Be resonant, be yielded with the Divine.  Allow the energy to come in as we look up.

We are creating great bonds of energy with the divine, and whether we believe in the presence of God or not, whether we are sad, whether we are angry, whether we are fearful, we can offer it up on the altar of the divine within – and receive something in the act of communion.

In the act of looking up, when we connect with the divine, we receive something, but it is not simply for ourselves.  It is for the purpose of moving into our world the energy of divine,  holy vibration.  It is received because God so loves the world, so loves the united body of humanity, and in order for that holy vibration to move into the heart of another there has to be deep bonds of faith: Bonds of friendship, bonds of love, bonds of trust, bonds of goodwill between us and the people in our world.

We have to have a safe place well-established in the hearts of others in order to have any effect.  Then as the fruits of the divine are born, good works are made, lives are touched – thanksgiving is received back from our world.  Praise can be received, but it is not for us.  When love and thanksgiving returns from my world to me, it is not for me.  When fame, reputation, all the goodness that comes with being well-loved in the world are received they are welcome, but not for me – I offer that back to the divine.

In some cultures, this truly open and clear way of thinking about faith, thinking about energy being given and received is fully embedded into their language.  In particular, the Ethiopian language and the Ilokano language come to mind.  Egzer Ystelen, is an Ethiopian expression, “I thank the divine for the gifts I have received from you.”  Abo Ystelen is an expression that “In the divine is the source of all blessings.”

These phrases are used as thank you and you’re welcome, and yet they thoroughly put proper place that the divine holds in our lives.

We are conduits of energy connecting the divine to the people in our world, and we need to love one another very well in order for the divine to move into this world.

Devotion – Be Still and Know

Heavenly Father, speaking thy name fills me with so much joy at thy presence.  Here I am, in stillness, in peace, ever slowly withdrawing within.

I met a master when I lived on Kauai, who is no longer on this earth.  He was a guru of the Hindu temple on Kauai.  I was allowed to spend a day with him, and his description of his process of enlightenment was to go deeper and deeper and deeper within.  At the time, it didn’t really sound too valuable to me. 

What does it truly mean to go within, Father, if what is found is not illuminated with thy presence, the joy and the energy of sacred communion?

We are a commanded as thy children to “Be still and know that I am God.”  There are times when our bodies become so full of energy and power that it can actually be quite painful to someone who is not accustomed to it.  And yet, we can cultivate our ability to accept thy love, accept thy power, to accept thy wisdom, to accept the present moment and people in our world just as it is – to accept and bless it.

To be still and know that I am God, I come before thee Father, in silence and in stillness and in acceptance, with so much gratitude, with all of my heart.

May the light of thy presence, the shadow of the presence of the Father – may the countenance of thy smiling light be upon me, and may my heart be made new on this day.

May I be still and fully accepting of the intensity emerging from within.  The intensity of Love, the intensity of Truth and the intensity of Life – each of which has its own agenda, not my own.

Honesty and Acceptance

I come before the divine this morning surrounded by the artistry of nature, the artistry of life.  Been thinking deeply about the relationship between honesty, acceptance and consequences.

These are 3 very profound virtues and all 3 of them have a distinct relationship in that, all 3 are equally threatening to the human ego.

To be honest, one must be able to relinquish the false identity that shrouds children in the garden.  To be fully honest is in many ways to remove the mask worn by the shroud of idealism, worn by the fear of rejection.  To be honest is the greatest courage.

Equally so, to truly view with an open, unclouded and non-judgmental heart the world around us, to truly perceive circumstances and people and accept them just as they are is a threat to the human ego; which, seeks to control people and control this world for selfish ends, not seeing the big picture, but worst of all, not loving the people in their world.

The human ego does not love.  Its protective shell is not capable of love, and there is no benefit to its presence in the healing of another person, just as there is no benefit to the presence of a human ego in the solution to any problem.

The acceptance of circumstance is crucial to living successfully in this life.

Father in Heaven resides within his children, speaks through their voices and works through their hands and feet.  Father in Heaven is the light of all universes, gradually dimming in nature to the point where the physical world can be seen and tolerated as physical expression.

The light of the outer camp of the divine kingdom, the physical world, is a very feminine principle.  The divine mother rests, great mother earth, the mother is the womb of life all around us.  Shekhinah has the cloud of glory about her, and she is present in this moment.  I welcome you divine mother, I welcome you, holy queen, to this place.

The acceptance of all circumstance is crucial.

The present moment and all the factors that are in the present moment are in fact the divine response, reflecting the divine opinion towards the present condition, towards all Past (with a capital “P”, means not limited to this current human experience) human words, attitudes, actions and creations.  This present moment is the voice of the divine mother in all of its circumstances in each and every detail, including those that do not serve the human ego.

There are factors that need to be accepted in this moment…

Factors need to be accepted in this moment that absolutely go against the false identity that humans have of themselves.  They need to be accepted.

The work, the great waters of the divine mother, wear down on the human ego, slowly eroding its edifices, slowly eroding all of the cracks and crannies, all of the hypocrisies, all of the injustice, all of the cruelty perpetrated by the human ego.

No matter how much effort we exert to maintain our false identity, it is a losing battle.

Accept the love of the divine mother, be honest, accept people as they are, accept circumstance as it is, and choose with love.

My Treasure (song)

Am, AmSus, Dm, Emaj
You are my treasure, you are my golden egg, I cannot measure, my love for you

Am, Dm, Emaj, Am
I love you more than the stars in the sky, More than the moon, than the Sun shining high

You are so full of love, so full of beauty, so Magical is the power of your soul

You came to this earth for a special reason, you are the secret that will transform the world

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SeaDragon (song)

Capo V: D, C#, D, C#, D, C# B5 C#
Nothing is impossible, Everything is possible
Sea Dragon opens her eyes, to the shooting stars in the sky
Shooting Stars in her eyes

Life emerges from water deep and silent
Seadragon breaches to heaven and flies up high in the sky
To find her shooting star, flies high on her shooting star
Seadragon lights up the sky, she’s a fiery light, shooting stars in her eyes

How to Cure Nightmares

Okay here we are.

What my theory was:  When we have nightmarish experiences, what is actually happening is, our own power, our greatest power, our greatest untapped potential is actually seeking to be integrated with us.

And so, my good friend here and I, she entertained my theory by allowing me to walk her through an experience of accepting the nightmarish experience by allowing it to transform her and integrate with her – and that certainly happened – as an experience of greater power, better sense of being able to breathe, a sense of integration.

Was there any other way of explaining how the shift felt or how it feels now?

Peaceful and strong in my body, in my backbone, which also translates to my lungs and heart.

So the actual imagery that was used in this scenario, was taking the opportunity to work with something she volunteered to me after we passed a rattlesnake on our path.  What she volunteered was that she often has a fear that when she comes into or out of her home, that a snake would – or might – wrap itself around her leg.

So I invited her to – as we were walking – to be still for a moment and close her eyes.   I created a space for her that I was on the other side of that door, and here comes the snake wrapping around her leg and just allow it to happen:  whether the snake wanted to wrap and hold her leg down, or whether the snake wanted to wrap and bite, injecting something into her, or whether the snake wanted to climb her leg – to just allow it to happen.

The experience happened that, in her dream, her waking dream, that the snake climbed up her leg, then wrapped around the midsection, and then came up right in her eyesight and said:  YESSS  YESSSS YESSSSS.  It was a very encouraging snake.  YESSS YOU CAN.  It was not a political snake, that is a very political slogan these days, but it was very encouraging, an energy of encouragement.

So right away, from the experience of accepting, something that was nightmarish became something that was creative and encouraging – RIGHT OFF THE BAT.

The next step of my theory is that this power that is integrating with us through these nightmarish experiences is actually ourselves, it is our true self. And our True Self is divine, so I’d even go as far to say that this nightmarish element, characterized also by the great beast in scripture, called Behemoth (Job 40:15-24), the great beast, the devouring beast, whatever the nightmare is, whatever it is that is we run away from in the experience of nightmares, is actually God. It is actually our true self and the power of our true self seeking to integrate into our identities and into our bodies.

The next step on this person’s exercise, once the snake’s words were complete “YESSS YOU CAN,” I invited the energy of Caroline’s true self, to reunite with her body. First it was felt in the chest, giving greater power to breathe and finally, it rested in its true home which is the spine.

The power of the spine: there is no greater power in our body than in our spine. This is the place of the tree of life. This is the place that is connected to all of the cosmos. The light that is in our spine and in our crown is the same light that is in the sun, and the same light that is in the throne of true beingness.

The spine is the tree of life, and its power is infinite.  Its power is the power of God, and the vibrations that emanate down the crown and through the spine are the voice of God.  Every word that proceedeth from the mouth of the Father proceedeth in the crown, to the neck and throughout the body as the tree of life.

Now one might say, “Wouldn’t we allowing some foreign substance into our body by integrating with nightmarish symbols?  Are we letting unclean spirits into our body?”  The answer is NO.

There is no need to fear such a thing, because the things that we experience as nightmares, the things that we fear are actually within us.  The often-quoted quote of Marianne Williamson in “Return to Love” makes an excellent point: we don’t fear how weak and small we are, we fear how great we are.  The things we experience in the dream state, the things we experience within ourselves are actually elements of our own consciousness.

If we have rebelled against ourselves, if we have rebelled against God, that power seeks to reclaim us, to reclaim our identity as God.

When I invited Caroline into this experience, I specifically invited the snake to reunite and to speak this little girl, the little girl, the child, “Do you have anything else to say to this little girl?”

This energy that is seeking to reunite with us is our greatest self, it is our highest self, it is God.  We are God!   When we are rebelling against God, the greatness that lies within seeks to reclaim us, to be integrated in full wholeness, spiritual wholeness.

That reintegration process feels fearful to someone who is accustomed to rebelling against God.  It feels fearful, and yet, by the graces of divine law, our consciousness can make a story about it – to give it a face and an image.  In this case it was a snake.

Everybody’s nightmares are different, everybody’s power takes on different symbols, and yet – in almost every case – we reject it.  We run away!  But we can’t!!

Everybody has had a dream that they are running from something that they cannot get away from.  Why?  BECAUSE IT IS YOU!  That which you are, you can only escape to a certain degree.  But you will never get completely away from it!

We are so accustomed to rebelling against the presence of God within.

So this wonderful woman and I stand together, in a place of wholeness, a place of integration, in a place of reclaiming our power in our spines, in our chest, IN OUR VOICE.

We are able to awaken the untapped potential!!!  Stop resisting it!!  You are the snake trying to come into your own body!  You are the power trying to enter into your own life!!  Stop fighting it!!

When that power is fully integrated, the ability to spontaneously express enlightenment and wisdom, the ability to fully be present for the people in your world, the ability to truly own who you are,  all becomes possible, at that exact moment when you stop fighting it!

Take it into your body, hear what it has to say, and feel its power.

Carolyn:  I think also that part wants to express, and it can only express through you!

Ah, such profound truth.

That powerful part of us has a message for the world, and it can only express that message through you.


Music and creativity are flowing. It has been about 6 weeks since my awakening. I have entered into uncharted waters, into territory unknown. I am so thankful for this precious experience.

And thankful for the people in my life who are responding to the presence of spirit, the presence of divine energy moving, moving fully with the current of Love, Wisdom, Blessing and power that comes with being in the presence of a true child of God.

I had a wonderful connection with a good friend last night. A spiritual brother, a man of deep resonance with thy holy vibration, a man of deep and abiding integrity – living in his ideals so much so that he has given away his power to some degree, so that he can measure up to his mental constructions of what is good.

In this precious conversation, what I extended to him was a provocative promise, that if we stand together, that we may come into a time of raising our vibration together. I directed him away from his mental constructions, and towards a place where joy and power, love can be found.

Living in our ideals is not enough.
Many of our ideals need to be unlearned,

They are dead,
They have no life.

Our ideals cannot feed us,
Our ideals cannot save us,
And neither can pressing them on anyone else save them,

Father, save us from our ideals!

The true presence of the divine,
The true preciousness of Life, of Love, of Truth,
Is so vast,

That one who is bound in ideals of higher and lower,
Without a deep grasping of the vibrational nature of life,
Is no more than a man who is tied up,

Bound in one or more of his appendages,
And expected to fully function.

The experience of life,
and the experience of choices,
are so bound in idealism.

Also yesterday I was allowed to have a conversation with somebody who I deeply respect. Somebody who has a deep expectation from life, a very ambitious expectation from life that she be equals in the power relationships with the people of authority around her, and that each new experience of life should be moving upwards in terms of responsibility and income – a very common view of life.

And upwards means that one’s rank and one’s power would grow over others and the more that one would gain personally from the situation that they’ve been appointed, and also the more removed in a sense that they would be from the day to day mundane movement of what happens on the ground.

Such is the ambitious view of humanity in a general sense. And as it was described to me through this person, I realized that although there was a time in my life that I was held to such an ideal, living with ambition, at least to some degree it does not apply to me anymore.

I follow, as Joseph Campbell says, “Bliss.” The bliss of life, the bliss of living in the highest and finest vibration possible. The bliss of fulfillment in knowing that my words and my deeds are the two things that God does not have.

All in this world is thine, Father: the sun, the earth, everything in between, everything beyond and within is yours. The only thing you need is a voice, and a pair of hands and feet to do thy work. I live in the fulfillment of knowing that I am here for the one I serve, allowing the expression of life, the expression of love, wisdom, blessing to move into the earth, move into the hearts and minds of your children. That is all the fulfillment I need.

I have a deep craving for financial abundance, and the desires of experiences in life all end to some degree with the common obstacle of lack of finances. Then in thinking out loud, it occurs to me that, especially in this digital age, with the federal reserve frontage for central banks – God does not create money. The larger calling of life is built around opportunities and is built around the wealth and abundance of life. It is not found in money. The experiences in life that are to be had will be had through divine grace.

And so I stand in a provocative promise to you, my child. Stand with me in a place of holy vibration, that we may raise up the frequency in which we exist. Raise up our ability to express love, resurrect a true life of divinity, offer blessing and wisdom to our world.

And I thoroughly believe that if we were to do this together, that we could raise our vibration to a flash-point together, to the point where miracles are common and to the point where the true power of children of God can be demonstrated in everyday living.

In divine love, resonating with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my strength.

Meditations on the Great Commandment

Shema, Israel: Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Ehad. V’havta: Adonai Elocheicha, v’col v’levcha, v’col v’nufshecha, v’col modecha.

Here I am praying so deeply with the great commandment.  Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God.  Thou shalt love the lord thy God.  In the midst of his kingdom, in the midst of all of his creation including myself, including my body.  Thou shalt love the lord thy God…with all of thy heart, with all of thy soul.

Thou Shalt love the Lord Thy God with All of Thy Soul

What precious words. The Father created that soul in his image. The soul, that is in reality an extension of himself, a piece of his divinity in light, in love, in truth. He has made me a living soul. My father has made me a living soul, and placed me in the midst of his creation. I love my Father with all my heart, with my soul, with all my might.

Thou Shalt love the Lord Thy God with All of Thy Might

Whose might? Not the might of this body. Not the might of my mind. The might of my soul. I am a living soul here in the midst of His Garden, appreciating every wonder of his creation. Every wonder: from the tip of every leaf to the dancing grasshoppers. God sees this through me. God experiences his creation through his children as only his children can. For the pleasure of the Father, he places children in the garden to experience his creation – as himself – and as only his children can, with absolute free will, absolute free will.

The power of the living soul to choose what his contribution to the kingdom is, to choose his words, to choose his deeds – we are free. And yes, there are levels of freedom. You cannot choose among flavors of ice cream that do not exist, be you can create them. In the image of our Father we are placed in the garden with the power to create. I can plant a seed.

We have One Great Commandment: To Love God, To Love our Father, To Love the Divine

For it is only in loving the Divine, that we resonate with our potential as living souls in the garden, living souls in our life, living souls in the creation of the Father. Love the Divine with of thy soul and all of thy might – and then you are free. You are free, once you have that love, once you are vibrating like a living soul – radiating like a Sun in his Garden. I am radiant.

In the fullness of radiance, you are free to do whatever you want.

Whatever you say, whatever you do – in THAT place – is LOVE. In THAT place, is repairing the world.

Whatever you say, whatever you do – in THAT place – is healing his children.

It doesn’t matter what your choices are. It does not matter.

As long as you are a living soul, it does not matter what your choices are.

Fall in LOVE with the world around you

I am taken by the amazing artistry in a young sapling of pine, so beautiful are the works of the kingdom.

So beautiful is Heaven, and God’s creation.

So beautiful are all of your creatures, and even more so are the treasures that you have placed in the garden – your children – that you may experience it through their eyes.

God is seeking life experiences

By loving the Divine with all, we are free. We have nothing to fear, nothing. We are commanded to love the divine as a Father, and to fear the Divine as a king. What a great sense of humor God has! How can you love that which you fear?

Yet there is a great secret, a great secret:

If we fear ONLY God, that which we love BEYOND MEASURE,

If we are free as God’s children,

We will fear nothing in this world.

There is nothing outside of me in this world that I fear – nothing,

Not loss, not death – nothing,

Not even Hell.

I fear nothing outside, in this world – nothing.

A person who is said to be a God-fearing Man doesn’t cower in fear at the presence of his Father

It means that we fear ONLY GOD,

We fear nothing of this world!

We are free!


We are living souls in the garden of creation.

A mind cannot overcome fear,

The mind is the origin of fear.

A fearless man transcends the mind,

A fearless man is a living soul in the garden of his Father.

Living in realms of light,

Realms of Love,

Realms of radiance beyond measure.

We are free,

We are free, in the great commandment, to be living souls.

We are free, thank you Father.

Thank you Father.