The Mineral King

This dream occurred two and a half years ago now and is still one of the most powerful dreams I’ve ever had. Dreams of this caliber are like maps that lay out the future in symbolic terms and this map lasted a very long time. I celebrate, with gratitude and humility, the love of the divine that has been communed with in this sacred and ancient ritual.

So my dream starts out at a bowling alley.  I am bowling with the most interesting people I have ever met.  Everything is in full color and I feel quite lucid in terms of my decision making abilities.  These people all have the most colorful clothes, stylish hair, and the women, one in particular, just has this striking silver glitter all over her.

Inside I am self-conscious because I never was a good bowler (the last time I bowled in RL I was so happy just to score over 100 and afterwards realized I had thrown my shoulder out.)

As I experience this emotion and memory, a charming and helpful man responds to my emotional state in my dream by handing me this really cool bowling ball wherein there isn’t just three holes to plop your fingers into, the hole is large more like a glove, and the slot for the thumb is as wide as it is long so the thumb can really slide around in there and get some good spins on release.  I was golden from then on.

This enigmatic man, the attractive siver woman, and I then go and play a video game.  She takes the right side of the controls, he the left, and they start to play a ritualistic game that then sucks me into another realm.  His end of the screen is brown and dirtlike, the scenery mostly underground, her end of the screen is bright and heavenly.  I fall into an oblivion and am transported into another realm governed by these two forces.

I ‘wake up’ again in dreamtime and am with the man, only now he is very different.  He looks kind of like the freddy kreuger character played by robert englund, but much more dirty and earthlike.  He is wearing tattered black polyester clothes that is torn to shreds and barely hanging on his perverse earthen scarred body and a polyester black top hat.  When he speaks to me his voice is deep and hypnotic, and I am afraid in his presence as though I have come under the control of his spell…

Yet I cannot resist turning my head and listening to him when he speaks.  The sound of his voice is so resonant.

I wake up from one bout of his spell and regain control of my body.

I am standing on an earthen cavern lit by the moon and gently rising sun.  In front of me is the mouth of the largest and deepest network of caves I probably will ever encounter and am resisting every possible urge to go down there with this one who in the dream I had identified as a demon or devil but in waking consciousness I identify as a mid-ranked being of the mineral kingdoms.

The mineral king is extremely persuasive and wants me to come down to his cave network to help him with something.  Of course he promises that I will be done and out again quickly, yet intuitively I know that if I allow myself beyond a certain threshold that I have to give up something of my self and I may never return again, at least not as a human (I may at best sprout up through the earth again as a carrot or something)!

At a certain gate (like the myth of Inanna in sumerian mythology) my fears are soberingly confirmed:  I cannot pass the gatekeeper without voluntarily discarding something of my self.

My power crystal, my dreaming power objects, and other power objects on my body glimmer at this gate and in order for me to follow the mineral king beyond I have to voluntarily give up something.  This of course wakes me up from his hypnotic vocal control of my will yet again and I manage to turn around and walk back up to level ground.

After a few minutes he realizes that I didn’t cross the threshold with him and he confronts me at ground level again.  He is angry now, and I realize that I need help to overcome his power.

I call an animal to be with me, but the only one who responds to help at first is a little dog, like toto or something from the wizard of oz.  Great, I think to myself when the little dog arrives, how is this little squirt going to help me with the mineral king.

At ground level, in the light of the rising sun, a confrontation ensues, and I sense the gathering presence of other beings to aide me even though their influence is not strong enough yet to directly focus an intervention.

The mineral king is shouting:  “You promised that you’d help me with this project!”  I respond by yelling back at him, “Let my dog help you instead!”  I throw the dog to the man and POOF! every ounce of living dog tissue evaporates in his arms and all that is left is a sticky, plastic like, slimy glue-like web of hide streching from his sticky bewildered fingers.  My fears of never returning from the mineral world are again confirmed by this horrid sight.

I fall into a trance again, then wake up in the middle of the corridor near the first gate again, getting tired and angry at losing control of myself so often.

I make a last desperate please for help from the animal world and this time my call is answered by a formidable creature, one that I truly have never seen before.  It had legs and a spotted body like a giraffe, but it had three heads with catlike features that hissed and spat at the mineral king.  Its aura shone golden down the dark corridor.

I was proud and encouraged and looked back to see the response of the mineral king who in turn responded by changing into another form, some kind of shabby looking elephant to match the size of the three headed cat but he was clearly intimidated and outmatched (reflecting now I realize how appropriate the need for a three-headed creature was to overcome the hypnotic abilities of this mineral king)

Then, to seal the balance of power here in my favor, the silver lady arrives, in a glow and countenance that so greatly exceeded that of the silver glittery woman I was attracted to at the bowling alley.

I want to cry inside as I describe her presence to me at that moment and how much she means to me. On her head was a silvery helm-like head piece tiara that was made of jewel beads. Her neck was adorned with blue precious stones and she rode on a white beast that was so radiant that I could not even perceive its form, only the white velvet back and deep leather saddle upon which she arched her perfect posture.

In her presence I was released from the ritual space, I rode with her on her beast and fought to resist waking up into the confines of my bedroom many times, as I even now long for her presence in my field of awareness.

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