Like 2 comets flying to a single point, combine the circle & the square in a continuous horizon & everything will be alright.
From the watery North, the red spherical of feelings departs to meet the rising sun, leaving crimson a comet trail.
From the warming South the expansive cube of thought glides to meet the rising sun, trailed by streams of blue.
They meet in the prayer to unite, but must first overcome the differences of shape, color, sovereignty & identity.
“I see you,” he says. “I am all that can be imagined. My cube expands to infinity in formlessness & returns with the answers to all.”
“I hear you,” she says. “I am all that was and will ever be, my sphere can expand to the ends of the universe but always warmed by the sun.”
Thinking together, “If we enjoin ourselves, who shall be the greater?” & behold, in thinking together they were already one.
The sphere became the winged heart, the left hand of truth, embracing all with expansive feeling & appreciation for divine design.
The cube of formless infinity became the right hand of truth, the red & the blue uniting to form the purple lotus crown.
The cube & sphere could still infinitely expand unencumbered by the other, but only together their full potential.