15. Providence

  1. Prayerful words such as “Please allow” ; “Let us” ; “Please grant us” all invoke the presence of divine providence.

  2. On Shabbat we pray and hunger “Grant us our portion of the Torah” on this day. After a time building up to climax the weekly portion is read.

  3. It is also possible our portion of Torah can be found within and granted with all our heart, soul & strength to our world.

  4. Thus, authentic joyful expression is food for the soul. Create outlets to lay it all out & notice how much less earthly food is craved.

  5. The living soul of expression, fearless assurance – and the strength to ask forgiveness all are divine providence.

  6. Entertain not triflings such as how one should breath, eat or sleep. Be breathed, be eaten, & be rested by allowing providence.

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